Movie & TV News @ Tom Cruise left hotel guests seething during his recent trip to Singapore - after having all the gym equipment moved into his luxury suite. The jet-setting superstar has been busy on the road promoting his new blockbuster movie Vanilla Sky. But guests at the Four Seasons hotel in Singapore were far from impressed with the actor when his fitness regime left them with no equipment to use. Cruise was staying in the hotel's largest suite and wanted to use the gym facilities, but didn't want to be bothered going down to the gym - so he asked for all the exercise machines to be brought up to his suite. Four Seasons management happily obliged leaving other health- conscious guests, furiously, in the lurch.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:42 PM
You know what else? I love living in Texas. well, not all the time. But most of the time, most of the time I can't imagine living anywhere else. It's 75 degrees here today. It's January, and 75 degrees. Not many places can say that happens that often, huh?
But i still want to move.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:34 PM
my car was supposed to be done today. and it will not be. Did I mention how much I am hating my little blue honda right now??
swirly said what she needed to say 3:27 PM
I figured out how to put a comment thingie on here thanks to the step by step instructions YACCS provided. I mean, I had to fix it when it looked all jacked up on my layout...anyway, I am happy that i learned how to do something new.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:13 PM
Monday, January 28, 2002
Just something Paul said to me today:
Small King (11:27:46 PM): so did you know that if you considered the Everquest gaming community as a country and took its per capita income, it would rank 77th . . . Small King (11:28:12 PM): Russia is 76th SassySngr (11:28:45 PM): um, ok. No, I've never considered that.
Ok, I know this snippet of our conversation makes no sense to anyone. But what is funny about it is that Paul and I constantly have these bouts where we share useless information with one another. Usually, my useless info revolves around science. literature, or art; Paul's stuff however seems to be information that only he seems to know.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:18 PM
This is a pretty cool story.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:16 AM
James always find the coolest info to put in his blogs. I just got finished reading the link that he had in his Jan. 26, 7:43 p.m. post. I guess my interests aren't so varied that I'd wander around looking for stuff like that. Wish they were though.
My road trip yesterday was so much fun! I drove all the way to Corsicana. I stopped at some junk shops (a.k.a antique shops) to see if I could find any not so rare books. Did I tell you that I once found a 1st edition Ezra Pound book, signed for the low low price of a quarter??? That was a pretty rockin' find. The only one that I've ever had. Mostly, I just find older copies of my favorite books. I have about 8 copies of The Count of Monte Cristo and about 11 copies of The Three Musketeers. I'm starting to collect Ivanhoe and Robin Hood.
Query: Have you ever heard someone say something, and you are convinced that the information given is wrong. But you don't speak up, instead you rack your brain and try to do something along the lines of an internal justification? And it's only then that you realize that it was you who were wrong and not the information given? Then this sudden feeling of relief comes over you, because you didn't shoot your mouth off and look like a total idiot. So, then all the sudden you're feeling kinda proud about not looking like a complete and total moron? I had one of those moments today. Weird.
Ok, I'm sleepy and need to go to bed. I'm sure I have to get up early to take the car to get it fixed. I hate mundane life.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:00 AM
All the sudden my BlogThis! thingie is working. Not that I'm complaining. Wooo-hooo!
swirly said what she needed to say 1:38 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Tomorrow I'm taking me, my car with the broken parking light and we're heading out on the open road. this trip is pretty small though. I'm only going as far as 1/2 of gas will take me. Then I'll turn around and come home. I'm planning on stopping where ever I am and taking some pics. I'll let you know how it goes on Monday.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:00 AM
I'm glad there wasn't a spelling class in college. I would have been the first to fail.
I'm taking my car back to shop to get the front parking light repaired. Thanks to everyone I called and asked to give me a lift home after I dropped off the car. I hope I have an opportunity to tell you no to something you need help with in the future. If my cam were up and working you would see a pic of me giving ya'll the finger.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:01 AM
Friday, January 25, 2002
I went to get my car inspected only to find out that I have a broken parking light. This sucks ass.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:58 PM
I was watching Conan tonight and I swear I saw my twin. her name is Rachel Dratch. She acts just like me!
That is all.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:23 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2002
I go to bed last night, nothing special 'bout that. Woke up this morning and I could have sworn I was living next to the ocean, with all the rain we got! crazy.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:45 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
I'm still sleepy. But I'm also tired. Tired of waiting for something good to happen to me. Who says I can't go out and make something good happen for myself? now, i realize that my unpleasant personality that i convey here would not incline anyone to help me along my goodness-path. But hey, did anyone worth remembering ever wait around for it to come to them? Hell no! I think I may have to go on a little journey this weekend to see what i can find out about myself.
And this is the perfect time to do it right now. So, the plan right now? To plan a trip for me! I need a destination...wait, do I really need a destination? Probably not. I just need to head out. I still should figure out at least which direction I want to go in, don't you think? Look out world, I'm on a mission.
p.s. i can't decide who's hotter, the guys in J.E.W. or the guys in Dexter Freebish.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:09 PM
i'm sleepy.
swirly said what she needed to say 5:25 PM
You know what makes me really uncomfortable? When people cry when I share something deeply personal with them. A few months ago, I made out a list of 100 thing, places, and people that I wanted to do, see, and meet. I actually posted it up at my old website. But there were a few of them I left blank and wrote in the word personal. Well, I have a group of friends that was discussing their dreams for their futures. So I told them about my list; I even read the list to them. When I was finished reading my 111 things, some of them were crying! Now, I'm not exactly sure what numbers they were crying at or even if they were crying at my list at all. But it still makes me feel weird. Don't misconstrued what I'm saying here, ok? I'm not totally unfeeling. I was just brought up to think that there is a time and place to cry, and usually that is in one's bedroom with the door closed. A wedding (with your family), or funeral (but only if you actually have to view the body or you are at the wake with the family) are other acceptable places as well.. Again, it's probably the weird Hispanic/catholic upbringing--I'm not sure exactly. I don't cry in front of groups of people that aren't family. Crying in front of one person is ok, but a whole group of women while we're sitting at Starbucks, isn't my idea of bonding. It just seems that it draws unnecessary attention to oneself. I draw enough attention to myself without blubbering in public.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:27 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
I was watching Cast Away this morning while I was putting ingredients into the slow cooker. Maybe I missed parts of the movie, because I was doing something else. Ok, so he finally gets home only to find out that his woman gave up on him? Did I miss anything more than that? I'm glad I didn't pay money to see that in the theater! I would have been so mad.
I applied for 2 jobs yesterday. Hopefully, I'll hear something soon.
I just finished the 3rd chapter in The Evolution of Jane. It's tons better than I thought. It makes the perfect bed time book. meaning that after about 6 pages I'm asleep. I like books like that. People have told me that I should try to read my old government books from college. That's usually about the time I have to remind them I made an "A" in government and that I actually like reading about government.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:00 PM
Monday, January 21, 2002
I just realized that there are two things I forgot to write up here, like weeks ago. The first is that I finally got to see Jimmy Eat World. Christina was right, they are pretty cool.
The other thing is that I saw the new trailer for Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Now I thought that I would never say this about a Star Wars movie, but I think I'm actually gonna wait for this one to go straight to dvd. Is it just me, or does it seem like these Star Wars movies aren't as good as the 3 three were made in the 70s and 80s? Hmm...discuss and get back to me, will ya?
swirly said what she needed to say 10:14 AM
I stayed up till like 3A.M. last night so I could watch Frontline on PBS. I know, I'm a nerd. it was basically a chronology of the terrorists up to Sept. 11. The actually ran through all 20 hijackers. They managed to interview loads of family, friends, and professors that knew some of the hijackers. What was the most interesting was that one of the guys didn't fit the profile, and even now they can't understand why he would have joined up on something as horrible as what happened on Sept. 11. You should go to PBS and check out the section on Frontline.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:04 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2002
I just did some checking and I noticed that I've seen 24 out of the 73 academy award winners for best picture. Not a bad start.
swirly said what she needed to say 6:19 PM
I was reading Christina's blog, like I always do. I then went to James’s site from there only to be horrified/amused (would that make me homused or amorrified?) by a post about diarrhea....his post just proves to me that no one ever thinks random people are gonna wander onto your blog. I mean, I sure never thought anyone would give a crap about what I'm saying, and so far I've been right; but I stumble onto sites all the time. Some of them are pretty funny, some are not so good. Everyone has something to say, and I really think that people are not looking for agreement on their views so much as they just wanting to voice the opinion itself. Ok, did that sentence even make sense?
Dee reminded me of another game that we used to play. It's called "Porn Star name". Really easy-- you take your middle name and the street you live on, and that's your porn name. Some of the names are funnier than others. Like Dee's would be "Lynn Arden" and mine would be "Capri Crest".
I'm gonna go search around for some cash so I can go to Sonic.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:14 PM
Just when I start to get comfortable with what's going on in my life, something always happens that makes me think someone up there thinks I don't have it bad enough. I had a job interview, which went ok. When I got home, there were two phone calls for me. One from the company, saying thanks but no thanks. The other call was from my uncle. Man, this week sucked. Glad it's over. Well, it was over like 40 minutes ago.
Next week I've got to figure out who I need to call so I can become a full time baby-sitter (a.k.a. Substitute Teacher). At least it's money coming in until I can find something.
I miss talking to Paul.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:36 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2002
I saw the new Carson Daly show that's on after Conan. Have to say, I thought it was ok. Even though I did only happen to catch the last 20 minutes of the show with that guy from The Man show (who I think is funnier than a kick in the head with a golf shoe).
Well, I guess I should tell everyone...I have a job interview tomorrow. It's for a financial analyst. Don't ask me, because I don't know what that is. They called me, and I'm not really sure why. I'm neither financial nor analytical. I hyperventilate just thinking about balancing my checkbook. I know it's not publishing or even in communications, but I need some money like, sure as the world is round. Nothing sucks worse than knowing that you owe a shit load of money on your college loans and you have no job. So, basically I'm subjected to whoring my talents out to the company with the fattest pay check.
Oh! I started a new book. I haven't even had a chance to put it up on the "what I'm reading list". It's called Smoke Signals. It's pretty good. The same guy, Sherman Alexie, wrote The Lone Ranger & Tonto Fistfight in Heaven . It's the story about 2 Coeur d'Alene Indian's, Thomas and Victor, that travel to get the remains of Victor's father, Arnold. The movie isn't bad either.
Ok, I have to get going. I just colored my hair and I need to rise it out.
swirly said what she needed to say 7:35 PM
Monday, January 14, 2002
Funniest thing that I've heard today: "Yeah, we're off so Mtv can make room in the schedule for things like 'Kids talk about sex....while having sex".--Jane Lane, from Daria
swirly said what she needed to say 4:48 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2002
I refuse to believe that part of me paying 5 bucks for the "movie experience" is so i can sit next to 3 chatty cathy's who decide that talking about lipstick, nail polish, and the fact that cigarettes in the 1930s were called "fags". Could that really be more interesting than watching some of the best actors of our day? I can't wait until Gosford Park comes out on video so I can rent it and listen to all the parts I missed because of the 3 women next to me. The movie's length is another story entirely though. But I still thought the movie was worth the time spent.
In case you haven't followed the link to IMDB to get the background info... It's about a group of wealthy people, along with their servants, who come together to spend a weekend in the english countryside for a shooting party. While all the guests, and their servants, are enjoying cigars and brandy in the drawing room the owner of the home is murdered. Chaos ensues as the guests, and their servants, reel from the implications of the owner's death. It's one of the greatest examples of how those who serve know about everyone’s skeletons. The bumbling inspector is pretty funny.
I'm gonna go start a new book, since Alias is a rerun.
swirly said what she needed to say 8:31 PM
I'll be seeing Gosford Park today. Maggie Smith is such a cool actress. The first movie I ever saw her in was The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie about 10 years ago. I've loved her work ever since then.
I've finished Anna Karenina. I think I may need to read it again though. Looks like I'll have to alter my What I'm Reading list.
Today's Phil's birthday, which could explain my fixation on him the past few days. What's weird about everything when it comes to Phil, is that I expected that i would miss him more. I've hardly even thought about him since we last spoke in October. And me running on about him yesterday was just because of 2 things: 1) I mailed out a package to him and 2) It's his birthday today. So you see, it's not as if I'm sitting here going "what went wrong? Why aren't we still together? Why can't be still be friends?", That "let's be friends" crapola, which it totally is, should never be placed on the table during a break up. To me, it just indicates more than anything else that you have no respect for the person you were in a relationship with; because you think they're stupid enough to say "okay" to that proposal. It's better for all if you just agree to stay out of each other's way. The other good thing to do is to let them have all the friends.
Damnit, my greyhound just broke his toenail. Heavy bloodflow ensued. Thank goodness I had some bloodclotting powder. I swear, for as huge as he is you'd think he'd be a little tougher. He's the biggest baby of them all.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:53 PM
It's Sunday!
swirly said what she needed to say 12:13 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2002
Melinda told me that she spent a good little while looking through my blogs. She seemed to be pretty amused by it all. What is it that makes things I say more funny when they are in print? I'm not really sure. Most of the stuff I write on here, I've said to her in person at least once. not that I'm complaining. I'm just glad I have people coming to visit the inner workings of my mind.
I sent a package to Phil on Monday, with delivery confirmation, and I checked yesterday night. USPS said it had been delivered at 3:30 p.m. C.S.T. What a jerk he is for not even calling to say thanks. Even if he didn't want to call, he could have at least e-mailed me to say "thanks" or "sod off", you know whatever. Why am I even worried about it? Good question. I'll get back to you when I know the answer.
I have to go mop, yay!
swirly said what she needed to say 4:36 PM
I just saw the epsisode of Conan O'Brien where he interviewed Snoop Dogg. It was pretty funny. OK, I have to go meet my buddy Brian for coffee.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:24 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2002
I tell myself every night, "Ok, you need to go to bed early so you won't sleep your day away". What do I do? I hop into bed with a book and read for about 5 hours. Which would explain why I've been tearing through Anna Karenina.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:35 PM
Fla. Teen Pilot's Acne Drug Carried Suicide Warning I was just thinking about this kid a couple of days ago. People were trying to say that he was a "sympathizer"--hello, he was 15! At that age you barely have enough courage to talk to the opposite sex, let alone understand what is going on in a foreign country. How many 15 year old activists or political "sympathizers" do you know? Thought so. Adults can be so stupid.
Ok, I can't find a link to another story I read today about how GPS security isn't so secure. Apparently hackers can adjust GPS coordinates, which means some of the bombs that the U.S. uses could be given new directions. It's comforting to know that any person clever enough to know the right codes and keystrokes can take control of a missile. Now if you're the government why in the hell would you share a story like this with anyone? "Sure, some of the missiles we're using in our current war can be taken over by terrorists, but everyone stay calm". Am I the only person that gets pissed when the media decides to broadcast stuff like this? How could this be in our best interest? I seem to remember a certain middle eastern dictator telling everyone that he didn't have to plan any battles, because CNN was giving him all the info. Anyone else remember this? What's even more funny about this, is that I'm the one that is usually championing free speech. In this case it just seems reckless.
I gotta call Michelle before she calls me and interrupts West Wing.
Take care.
swirly said what she needed to say 7:04 PM
If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend that you see A Beautiful Mind. The scene about the blonde and her four friends is worth the price of admission.
It's frightening to think that being too smart can be bad for your health. History is littered with mentally ill geniuses. What's cool about this movie is that this guy reminds me of Bobby Fischer- phantom. Only John Nash is more the phantom. Really cool.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:03 PM
I am NOT crazy. Melinda said the same thing to me that I said to my uncle about going to Vegas..."Um, why would you want to go there"? Good to have friends that know who you are, huh?
I have a few things I want to write here, but I'm not sure. heaven forbid I have more that usual 2 people check out my blogs...Oh well.
#1: Hockey is like the coolest sport ever. You get to skate, kick some ass, and they give you points and stuff. not exactly in that order. The red wings (Detroit) and the stars (Dallas) are my favorite teams. I used to live for the games where they would play each other. Once I went to a game in Detroit and watch McCarty kick the crap outta half of the Dallas team. It's funny to watch that sorta stuff. You're sitting there with fans and non-fans alike and everyone gets worked into this frenzy over this one guy who is beating down half of the opposing team. You gotta admire any guy who can get in a few punches and stay upright while wearing skates. Ah, hockey! Gotta love it!
#2: I've been analyzing the whole Paul conversation from last night. I think I might have it figured out. I think that he's really serious with this Amanda chick only he doesn't want to tell me. I told Melinda that I thought he might be getting ready for marriage with this girl. I just don't get it though. We've always been able to tell each other about our personal lives. I think most of the time we talked about our personal lives with one another so we could gauge how horribly we were screwing up our relationships. Maybe he doesn't need that-or me anymore. Maybe I'm the one who's failing in my quest to become an adult....I think I already knew I was ranking pretty low in the adult category.
Paul for a while occupied the same sweet spot that someone else was holding. Kinda like a back-up guy. But what I realized (like just last night) is everyone is running around wanting to get married. I've never wanted to get married. I just didn't want to be left behind. I know that marriage isn't for me. My wants are fairly cool; Melinda said that if I told guys up front what I wanted 75-85% of them would be over the moon. What do I want? I want something semi-permanent. I don't want to live with anyone else, or be married. I want to keep my own life, and have the guy keep his; and then up have a little something together when we both have the time. That's the best way I know how to explain it. I don't want someone to feel obligated to attend cousin bertha's wedding (if I had a cousin bertha) but fear that I'm trying to plant ideas in his head. I'm pretty self-sufficient, I don't need someone who thinks that they need to take care of me.
#3: It's funny to listen to Melinda. she says she feels "very empowered" lately. Apparently her and her boyfriend were having issues about space. The fact that he thought he needed some, or something like that. So about a week or two ago she decided to give him a whole crap load of space. Now he's the one calling her to find out when he can fit into her schedule. I'm glad I still fit into her schedule. We're meeting for breakfast tomorrow.
#4: My belly dancing class this morning kicked my ass all over the place. I haven't been in a few months. It was hard to try to get back into the routine of things. You know speaking of getting into a routine, I've noticed I'm into a nice little rhythm when it comes to blogs. This is kinda addictive. It's cool to have something to do between looking for a job and going to the movies.
#5: I need to get my car inspected. It's 10 til 2, I'm gonna finish listening to the cd I just burned and then get into bed. Anna Karenina, here I come! 'Night.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:41 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
I just got off the phone with Paul. I don't know what's going on. We used to be able to talk about anything with one another. It was really cool, always knowing that you had that one person that you knew for a fact you could act like a total jackass in front of. He acted like he couldn't wait to get off the phone, but at the same time he wanted to ask me about my boyfriend situation. He hasn't told me crap about "Amanda". I'm assuming that she's his new girlfriend. He wanted to know if I had made the S.M.C. to the ex yet. And after last time, I'm not calling!
I found out today that my uncle wants to take my sister and me to Las Vegas. Sorta like a belated grad gift for me and an early grad gift for my sister. I don't doesn't sound very fun. I mean you're reading blogs from someone who used to pass time with friends by heading over to the grassy knoll and shouting "bang bang!" from across the street just to watch the tourists duck and look around stupidly. So, anyone who wants to re-inact Ocean's 11 with me I'll see you in Vegas in about 3 months. Gawd, could it be? Could have suddenly grown out of the party scene? Wait just a minute! I was NEVER part of that scene! What am I talking about. My sister said, " You just need to suck it up and take one for the team". Who talks like that?
Well, I've just finished one of the books on my list and I'm half way through Anna Karenina. Have to confess, I'm totally confused when it comes to Tolstoy. But at least I know who he is. I'll give you an update if I ever manage to finish Anna Karenina.
Do you remember ever asking your parents about what happens when you get to heaven? I had a dream about a conversation I had with my mom years ago. My great grandpa had passed away and i remembered hearing the minister saying that he was "gone to be with his family in heaven". this totally confused me. I remember asking my mom how my paw-paw's mom and dad would recognize him if he looked old, and not like the 5 year old kid that he had been when they had passed away. She never did answer me. I don't know what made me dream of it. It's still a cute story though.
I should go to bed. It's almost 2 now. Maybe I should just stay up. Ya'll take care.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:42 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2002
I just got finished writing ABC about this website I found. I thought it was the best example of how what happened in Sept. can connect a society that everyone used to say was so unconnected, because of technology. Check it out, tell me what you think.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:31 PM
Learning to love the computer, warts and all At least once per day, without fail, my computer, like every computer I have ever owned, has some kind of emotional breakdown. It simply stops working -- often when I'm not touching it -- and it puts a message on the screen informing me that an error has occurred. It does not say what the error is, nor where it occurred. For all I know, it occurred in New Zealand, and my computer found out about it via the Internet, and became so upset that it could not go on.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:21 PM
I installed my dvd/cd burner/mp3 player. Look out world of crime, here I come!
swirly said what she needed to say 10:41 PM
I just got back from having dinner with my mom, dad, my sister, my uncle & aunt, and my grandma. Grandmas' are hilarious, don't you think? my dad and uncle both chipped in and bought her a new (to her that is) car. She was so funny. She told my dad that she doesn't think she wants it because it will be "too hard to learn all the new controls". You have to laugh at that. Dad said that having a new caddie entitles her to drive like an "old lady"--she can swerve all over the road if she wants.
I love my family, but sometimes my dad can be a real jerk. I have to listen to him tell everyone that i didn't graduate in 4 years from college. Who gives a crap? I finished. Melinda's mom is just like my dad about the college thing. Now, don't you think that I wanted to finish in 4 years? Obviously, it just wasn't gonna happen for me. It's not like it took me 10 years to finish or something. I'm tired of hearing that real life starts when you finish college. That is so not true. Real life starts from the day you're born. It's just when you decide to peak that is the big unknown. Yeah, I'm still waiting for my turn.
I heard something really cool last night from the editor of the New Yorker. He said all writers live in constant fear that their writing isn't good enough.
I think that was the reason I gave up on my dream long ago. I didn't wanted to write the great american novel or anything, but I wanted to be recognized for what I had to say. Now I realize that I only have short spurts of humor, empathy, and cleverness. Not enough to be a good writer. But then like today, I sat through 2 episodes of Jeopardy! and missed only five questions total. And that makes me think that I'm not ready to be tossed into the pool with the other mouth-breathers.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:58 PM
I got my car back yesterday. And I'll be having fun, fun, fun; till my daddy takes the honda away!
swirly said what she needed to say 3:03 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2002
I just read a story in the paper about a group of young men that have come to Texas from the Sudan. They're orphans and when they got here our government assigned them all the same birthday. I was so amazed to read about everything that they had to go through to get here. Some of them have been struggling since they were 9 years old to find a way to get away from refugee camps...And here I am complaining that I'm a college grad, with no job and I have to shack up with my parents for the time being. I'm so selfish. Can you be selfish and grateful at the same time? Does that lead to ambivalence? I am grateful that I have a family that I can shack up with when things get rough.
Oh, my car...the one that was only supposed to cost about $100 to fix? Yeah well, I had to shell out $325 to have the front end fixed. Then the guys who are supposed to fix the axle called to tell me that it would be $134.99 instead of the $100 they had originally quoted me. In short: $325+134.99 = A lot more that $100! Gawd! I hate money.
Can I just say how much it sucks to no have spell check on blogger anymore?
swirly said what she needed to say 2:56 AM