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Thursday, December 26, 2002

Sleep is good

Yeah, I'm headed to bed very early today. Sleep tight ya'll
swirly said what she needed to say 11:47 PM

Friday Five is Back!

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
I would say that would be making the decision to just take a chance when it comes to life. Stop worrying how much my life measures up to everyone else's, because in the long run everyone is apples and oranges. Well, and then there is that awesome GPA that I busted my ass for...but no one cares about that but me.

2. What was your biggest disappointment?
I had two. #1. That I never found a job before I went back to school. #2. That I didn't get accepted to a Certification program in Michigan.

3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?
I have an ongoing list of self-improvment going. I usually pick out 2 or 3 off the list of hundreds and focus on them for the year.

4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else?
I'll be at a New Year's party, but I will wish that I was in Sterling Heights, MI with my beau.

5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions?
The gang I run around with usually pulls out a couple of games to play, drink a little, and then we re-live dating nightmares from the past years. Seriously, it's fun.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:42 PM

Too late

I'm debating on putting on some shoes and heading over to Whataburger in my pj's, or just going to bed since I haven't been yet. Damn it's late
swirly said what she needed to say 4:25 AM

I forgot to tell you

You remember my bird I told you about? I forgot to tell you something else...

Ok, so you know how in the last post about the bird, I went on and on about how sweet and cute he was? Yeah, so I walk in about 2 days after I posted my last update about Levi the Bird and noticed him sitting in the bottom of the cage. Not ever owning a bird before, I thought that Levi was dying. I run over to the cage and throw open the door. Only to be greeted by Levi jumping up into the space where the door once was and expanding his wings and hissing at me. I finally see why Levi was sitting on the bottom of the cage; it's a egg. Levi isn't a boy at all...that's right, Levi is a GIRL!! Her name in now Livonia, but I call her Livy for short.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:20 AM

Korea must be cool

I got an IM from Christina earlier today. She told me that she was at the train station and they have computers and stuff like that in the station. Man, I want to go.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:57 AM

Gotta learn to crawl...

P: I've been holding off for weeks, not telling you that I want you here sooner. I haven't because I know what you're doing is important to you.
Me: (clearly worried and sad for us) You're right it is. If I give up on this, then who knows what else I'll give up on when something I want more comes along?
P: I know! I'm just so happy for you that you are passionate about two things in you're life. I'm even more lucky that I'm one of them...Can't you just hurry a little?
Me: You know, both of us, we have no patience. We're both going to have to learn to crawl before we fly.
P: Yeah, but...
Me: (cutting him off) No. We just need to do it, no excuses.
P: Ok.

I'm so in love. And the big secret is: I think he is too.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:54 AM

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

What I should and shouldn't be doing

I should be snuggling up with the love of my life tonight, not watching the juice man jucier infomercial.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:34 AM

Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Sesame Street

Do you remember who your favorite character from Sesame Street was? I do. It was the Count. First, we was all purple and black. Second, he was never buddied up with another Muppet--he had his own star power. Finally, the Count was just cool. He had the accent, the attitude, and well...he counted everything. How much cooler could you get?
swirly said what she needed to say 12:27 PM


Dear Christmas,

You and I have had a stressful relationship over the years. As child, and as a child should, I loved you. But as I got older it has became apparent that I was expected to buy into this gift-giving craziness. I'm not quite sure whom is responsible for that. Anywho, This is the first time I've ever felt guilty for not wanting to participate in the insanity which is called "Christmas" nowadays. I remember when I was a child we would open what meager gifts we got just before we went to midnight mass. As soon as we returned, it was off to bed.

But now, I see my whole family driving themselves into debt just to make sure that everyone who stops by the house on Christmas eve (anywhere from 30-80 people on a given Christmas). What is this all about? I'm confused and totally frightened about this. What has changed so much that we as a society can just gather together with those we care about and just eat and enjoy each others company?

And where is it written, Christmas, that large holidays such as yourself should be celebrated with family and friends that drive us insane? Somehow I do not think that this is what you had in mind, was it?

With all that said though, I still love you Christmas. Even though it means that I have to sit through 20 runs of The Christmas Story; and all this does is remind me of how big of a jerk my father was when I was younger. Yip, I love you. Even if I have 1 uncle I love to see, 1 that has just started dating a new woman after his wife just died in April, and 1 other that has nothing better to do than snoop on his own family. I still love you, even though I can't be with Phil for the holidays.

swirly said what she needed to say 2:08 AM

Thursday, December 19, 2002

Fly you fools!

I just got back from seeing the Two Towers and I loved it. Can Orlando Bloom get any cuter, I ask you? I really want to read the books now.
swirly said what she needed to say 6:17 PM

Wednesday, December 18, 2002


I just got finished going through the last 50 post and correctly my own crappy spelling. eesh. I just tried to put different sentences together. I type too slow. What I meant was that tried to go back though and correct my spelling. It's not perfect and neither am I. 'nuff said.

But this reminds me of another problem. Have you ever been on the phone and trying to blog at the same time. I cannot do it. Suddenly I'm full of um's, ah's, and oh's.

I think all this 70 dgree weather is affecting my brain. hehe
swirly said what she needed to say 2:58 PM

Downloadin' fool

True to the title, that is exactly what I have been the past 2 days. I need a bigger hard drive. I need a machine that is skin and bones on all the bells and whistles. Hmm.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:57 PM

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

No white Christmas for me

As everyone knows, I live in Texas. With that out of the way, all I should have to say about that is that it's 72 degrees here right now. A week before Christmas and I'm running around in shorts and no shoes...This totally rocks!
swirly said what she needed to say 1:03 PM

Monday, December 16, 2002


Well, I got my grades today. B's in all my classes. It brought my 3.56 down to a 3.23. That means I have to work extra hard next semester. For some reason, I think that next semesters class load will be more challenging. I hope I'm wrong.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:32 PM

Sleep laughing

Did anyone see last Friday's Conan? For some reason, I think I did but I cannot remember anything about it other than the fact that I remember laughing in my sleep. Too bad that the only person that might have been able to tell me is in Korea for god knows how long.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:26 PM

Hindsight is great--when you're not forced to look at your own 'hind'

You know, I started this blog a year ago because I just needed somewhere to dump out all the craziness that was floating around inside. Well that, and the fact that I didn't want to send my friends away screaming in horror because they always had to listen to me analyze the same shit over and over. Which I apologize that I still do, even here. That's just my personality.

And I have to confess, to my surprise, I feel it has actually been beneficial. For the first time ever my life is proceeding just as it should. This is both exciting and disconcerting to me. Exciting because new things are happening all around me, and I actually want to be a part of things. The disconcerting part falls into play because all of this is pretty much brand new to me. No drama in one's life is a pretty good deal, if you ask me. No drama in one's life is a pretty good deal, if you ask me.

Having something that keeps track of my life is a neat thing too. I could never keep a handwritten journal because I always felt that it was time consuming. This is probably more time consuming that the hadwritten would ever be, but there is a really cool benefit to blogging; there is that possiblity that someone will stumble across your thoughts and validate them. And I believe that everyone wants that, even in small doses. I have noticed how it has changed how I look at things during the day. I am more aware of what is going on around me. This is so I'll have something to write about later when I blog. Hmm...a friend of mine said that my blog was "like a scrapbook of your mind". That could be true.

So, let's recap:

1. I started this blog when I was acting crazy.
2. I no longer feel that way.
3. Being happy is a new thing for me, I'm not sure how it works.
4. My life is going according to plan.
5. No drama = Natalie a calm and happy girl.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:30 AM

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Happy Birthday!

I've been using blogger for about a year, which means that Stumbling Through.... has been around that long too. I just couldn't resist doing at least one post on the anniversary of the 1st one.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:54 PM

Monday, December 09, 2002

My boring hours and days

I had my first final of the semester today. It was pretty easy, considering that I've been sick since last Wednesday and I didn't study. I'm headed into ASL III with a B average, and anything I make on the final is just icing on the cake. I like being able to walk into a final and know if I bomb it that my grade will still survive. Allison, my professor, told me that I have expanded my vocab and grammar usage. This makes me feel pretty good. I'm glad when others see how hard I'm working. Doesn't everyone?

Contact with Phil has been slow. Mostly, our schedules are conflicting these days because of the holiday.

And I have the cough that would never end.

Nothing else on this end happening. How 'bout you?
swirly said what she needed to say 10:44 PM

Sunday, December 08, 2002

Bad gifts

Has anyone ever gotton a Chia Pet for a christmas gift? I was just wondering. Because I've been thinking...everyone's all: "it's the thought that counts", blah, blah,blah...what exactly is the thought if you hand out Chia Pets, crappy burned cds, and...i don't know, something else. Cough syrup, 3 day old doghnuts all seem pretty crappy too.
swirly said what she needed to say 8:24 PM

Wednesday, December 04, 2002


Phil and I spoke on Sunday after Thanksgiving. We've decided to give things another try. I'm planning to move there and we'll probably be living together pretty soon. He actually sounded excited about "growing up", which were his words. And truth be told, I am more excited than anything about making my life with someone.

We really talked about things that we want in life. I even shared my list of 100+ things that I want to see, do, or visit. He was impressed, and so was I. It was a cool thing. Well see how things progress in the next few weeks and months.
swirly said what she needed to say 7:28 PM

Holidays away from classes

I house-sat for my aunt and uncle during the holiday. It was good to be by myself; watch a little tv, listen to a little music, and drink some beer with a few friends.

During the break I saw Alexandra Pelosi's Journeys with George. It's a great look into the off beat side of the political arena. My favorite part? When the people on the press junket find pre-made posters for a rally. They actually seemed shocked that there would be pre-made rally posters.

And there was something else that happened...but that deserves its own post.
swirly said what she needed to say 7:14 PM

Verdict: Natalie v. Thanksgiving

Well, Thanksgiving was an odd event--that's no different than any other year. Good thing: I didn't have to listen to my grandma call me fat or too smart. That's always a bonus. Bad thing: My dumb-ass vegetarian sister decided that everything would taste better with tofu and cheese. So, the green bean casserole was not to be touch by any carnivore at the table. So if you want some, we still have it sitting in the fridge. Nicole just can't understand why we won't try it. Um hello, because it's gross? I don't know about anyone else, but the holidays are not the time to experiment. I want familarity.
swirly said what she needed to say 6:56 PM

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