Well, with Christmas behind the Lopez family it's easy to say that we're all glad that the madness is over! But we never seem to have enough time to spend with all of our friends and family that come into town. I missed 2 holiday parties because of the stupid broken axle on my car. And one of the party was thrown by my friend Claire, who now lives in Michigan, and her family. I was really bummed to miss it.
I did get to talk to Michelle yesterday for about an hour. It was so good to talk to someone who just let me act like a total moron about my life. Then she says, "Natalie, don't worry. Just work to make it better". That was all that I needed to hear. Her stories about her Christmastime she spent with her younger brother, father, and step-mother would make anyone split their side. I admire her so much. Here's someone who, in her words: "Yeah, my sister graduate Magna Cum Laude, and all I got was a 'Thank-you-loudly'!" who is about to finish up her last semester of grad school and is kicking ass in the professional world. Next to her, I look like I need a permit to operate a Pez dispenser! She's the one that helped me to decide to move to Chicago.
I was trying to think about what else happened this week, and the only other thing I have to talk about is my car. I was told on Thursday that they have to replace the whole front end of the car. Apparently, the axle was just the end result of a bigger problem. Here I am with $200 bucks in the bank...I hate having to ask my parents for money. At least I'm lucky enough to be able to ask them, there are plenty of people that don't have that opportunity or luxury. I need to be more responsible.
I went to see Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring on Thursday. I thought the movie was really good. The ending was actually kinda abrupt. There was a guy two rows over from me that said, "What? Is that it? I musta blinked or something". Funny stuff. My parents house is crazy. They waited until this past Friday to put up the tree or do any of the decorating. Mom was still wrapping gifts tonight. I'm not sure what to think. I remember a time when my mom would order my dad up to attic during the half-time show on Thanksgiving Day. We'd have the tree up by that evening. It just doesn't seem like Christmas anymore. I remember that we'd just throw all the ornaments on the tree, none of this weird "tree with a theme" crap.
I need to go to bed.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:53 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2001
Car update:
Call repair shop, they tow said car. They call me at 3:00 to tell me that they can't fix, but I still owe them for towing. Have to find a ride out to the sticks to pay the bill so the next tow truck can come get the car. Then have to call the other repair shop and let them know that I won't be getting it into the shop today, but tomorrow. I hate cars.
I wish I lived in a city like Chicago. They have the best public transportation system I've seen anywhere. It only took me a day to figure out how to navigate the train, bus, cabs, subway, and the el. Too bad Texas is so laid out. You have to have a car in order to get to your mailbox in some places in this state. Don't get me wrong, I love Texas. We don't have a state tax, most of the time the weather is really great, and people are really nice here. We don't get snow, that's always a bonus from what I've heard. I'm gonna start looking for a job in Chicago.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:10 PM
Two games to play while you're sitting at the airport:
Believe me, it's the best thing you could do in an airport, and it's free.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:52 PM
I talked to Melinda about Allen. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that went through this. I think what freaked me out, aside from that fact that he didn't pick me, was that he was getting married before I was. That shouldn't be what upsets me. I mean, so far I haven't even been able to find a guy who'll put the toilet seat down when he's done.
swirly said what she needed to say 6:28 AM
Dee told me that Allen's engaged. What? How can he have had enough time to decide that he wants to be with someone--be with them forever? I was with the same person for years and still couldn't decide! I've known him my whole life. Now's he's getting married, sure as the world is round.
Now I sound crazy because I've spent all this time bitching about him. 'Night
swirly said what she needed to say 12:59 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
I'm so excited! One of my best friends, Claire, is gonna be here for Christmas. She lives in Michigan, but she's coming home to Texas to see her family. She said she's bringing her new German boyfriend. Hmm... Hope he's catholic, or he's gonna be confused at midnight on the 24th.
Claire is so great. We first met in 1996 when we both joined the same sorority. There was a group of about 5 of us that was ALWAYS in trouble. We all drank, smoked, and ran around till all hours of the night; which is what I thought college girls were supposed to do. But then we learned a little different. In the end, Claire and I were the only 2 from our group that hadn't been tossed out. Then Claire moved to Michigan, leaving just me. It was a real bummer. We realized that we were too good of friends to let geography end our friendship. We see each other at least once a year it seems. It's always a great visit. I don't know how the new boyfriend will factor into the equation.
Anyway, I'll see her on the 24th. I cannot wait!
swirly said what she needed to say 3:47 PM
One more thing....
I just want to say here and now to everyone that porn cracks me up! Let me explain. Have you ever seen that episode of The Simpsons where Homer has the TV repairman come to his house, and he get's the booklet "So you've decided to steal cable"? Well, as far as i know, I'm not stealing cable. But the cable service lately has been giving us access to every channel. Including porn. So you can imagine, there I am flipping through to find movies I haven't seen--and I flip to a section of about 50 porn channels. I had no idea that there were that cable subscribers needed that much porn! Anyway, so I flip into the 1st porn channel and from the moment it came up on the screen all I could do was laugh. Do guys really think that there are women out there that make all that noise? It sound like a freaking zoo. Good Lord! Oh well, whatever floats your boat I guess. After I got my chuckle, I found the Train concert (which is what I was looking for to begin with).
I saw this episode of Coupling, which is a British version of Friends where one of the main characters had to explain the plot of his porn video to his girlfriend and their dinner guests....Very funny.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:05 PM
I like this layout better. I wish I knew code better so I could manipulate some things the way I want them. Ahh, the burden of not knowing code.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:55 AM
I'm filling out all the paperwork that they college sent me about the job I applied for. I'll fax it over this evening. Wish me luck.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:54 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2001
I just managed to stumble home. It's late and I'm tired. But before I slide into bed (with freshly laundered sheets) I wanted to tell everyone what i saw at the post office on Friday afternoon. I headed over to the P.O. to send off a few letters, bills, and whatnot. I was planning on pulling through the drive-thru part, you know where you just drop your mail into the box and leave, but there was this lady with about 6 cars behind her. Guess what she was doing??? She was STAMPING her 200 Christmas cards in line!!! The guy behind here got so mad, he got out of his truck and started screaming at her. It was kinda funny. I mean, how difficult would it have been for her to pull into the parking lot and stamp all of her cards and then pull through the drive-thru? It would have been easier if she had pre-stamped her cards before she even pulled up to the P.O. I thought it was funny.
I am so happy! I was going through the mail today and I saw that i got a letter! Not just any letter, but on from the college that I had applied for a job at. They sent me some more paperwork to sort through and fill out. So here's my thinking on that. Now, if they weren't interested in me, would they have wasted all this paper on me? Ah, I think not. I've already filled out all the paperwork, but I still have to get my references together.
Ok, I'm gonna go grab a banana cream pie pudding cup, take a quick shower, and then jump into my bed with freshly laundered sheets. there's nothing better then being squeaky clean and climbing into a bed with clean sheets--especially those sheets that have just been pulled out of the dryer! And there's nothing better after a night of drinking than a banana cream pie pudding cup. Trust me. 'Night.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:47 AM
So I show up at robing to support my friend. Her parents invite me to lunch with them. I accept--I didn't even have to pay! Since we all took separate cars, we all climb back into said cars after saying bye. What happens next? CRASH---RRRWWRRR--ERRRRKKKKKK. The axle breaks on my car. This sucks ass. I have no job, now I have no car.....and it's Friday. If this wasn't so crappy, I'd see the humor in it right away. My dad's pissed.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:37 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2001
Ok, so Melinda is going through the whole graduation ceremony tomorrow even though she really graduated this summer. She's acting so nervous! I'm still excited for her. I remember how it was for me. I thought nothing could stop me. And where am I now? I'm at an impasse. Ok. that's all. I've gotta take a shower.
swirly said what she needed to say 8:33 PM
I just saw another preview for The Majestic and what I'm wondering is when the movie big wigs will stop using really great movie soundtracks from other movies to promote new movies? At first I thought it was my imagination when I noticed it was happening years and years ago. Now, I just think that they're trying to bank off of some really great music. The other thing I have noticed is that movies they are pretty sure will make money right out of the gate, they don't resort to this tactics. Hmm....conspiracy? Discuss.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:23 AM
I went to see Ocean's Eleven on Monday. I heard a few people bitching about it on IMDB.com, but I really didn't see what all the complaints were about. It's not supposed to change your idea of the world or anything. All it really does is re-enforce stereotypes of the 1950's. And if you can't understand that or don't like that style, then there's something really easy you can do: DON'T GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I always find it pretty funny when people waste 20 minutes of my time just to tell me that they hated a movie. Thanks for wasting my time.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:22 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2001
I had to repost some of my earlier posts, so ignore the date given by blogger. The date at the end of each post is correct..
swirly said what she needed to say 11:42 PM
Cheese Sandwich
I was watching this movie tonight. I'm not sure what it was called. Anyway, it's basically a story about this writer that rehashes here relationship with an artist. They're both contemplating on why realtionships don't last forever, and bascially surmise that it's because people can't be with just one person all their lives because it turns into something stagnate. The guy says, " I guess saying I love you becomes as familar as saying cheese sandwich". He then goes on to tell the girl he "cheese sandwich's" her.
It's that type of scene in movies that always gets me whishing for that smart, misunderstood, walking upright man. You know, someone to say "I cheese sandwich you"... I don't think that's gonna happen though. I've been in 5 realtionships total, and all of them were the wrong fit. But the last one with Phil, seemed the closest to being right. I was more comfortable with him than any other person I've ever been around. I'm not talking the comfort level you share with friends, I'm talking FAMILY comfort level.
Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?? Who am I kidding, no one is even stopping by here. No one give one crap about what I'm saying. Why should they? I mean, everyone is spinning on their on axis, and if they're lucky they find a few other people to spin in time with them for awhile. The thing is- no one's been spinning with me for quite some time.
I know that I'm always saying that I like to be alone. And part of that is true. The other part knows that it's better for me to pull a Garbo so I don't say anything stupid to anyone else. I mean you read what I put up here right? How could I NOT offend?? But I don't think I'm any different than anyone else that I've run into to. I'm just worse at trying to blend. I don't soften the edges when I tell it like it is. Sure, I don't use the F-word too much; but that's only because I'm trying to keep a new years resolution from last year. Besides, it's really not the most polite sounding thing to come out of one's mouth in the stream of general conversation. I'm college educated for cryin' out loud, and if my vbocabulary has been reduced to 4 letter dirty words all in the search for higher education--I need to demand my 85K back.
Today's Thanksgiving and I just wanted to say that I am so thanful for my small circle of friends and family that I have. I don't know what I would do without most of them. I can only hope that they feel the same about me.
I'm feeling more inspired these days. I'm not sure if that's because of the great email I got from Christina, along with the great phone call I got from Michelle; or if it's just me realizing that anyone can have potential, and I have it in spades. I just need to figure out what I need to do with all this potential. I'm not afraid of hard work or of even failing. I terrified that I'll never be able to find what it is that I'm supposed to be doing in the world. I'm sure everyone feels that way, right? I want to start to figure it out though. I need to figure it out.
It's 5:00 a.m. and I think I'm all ranted out.
Said Swirly at 5:00 a.m. C.S.T. November 22, 2001
Harry Potter and my not-so-popular views on casting
I've seen Harry Potter and it was great! We had been hearing on the news to expect parents to pull their kids out of school to catch the movie, so I bought tix for my mom and myself online. We were the 1st people there at the 12:05 showing. We were very pleased to see that by the time the movie began, there were only about 35 people in the entire theater.
They had a bunch of stupid trailers for a bunch of dumb looking movies, but there were three that I just have to talk about. Before I go into them, I have to make sure and explain that I have a degree in Radio/TV production. So if I start going on about the lighting, acting style, or something else please forgive me.
Ok, the three trailers I liked were for The Majestic, The Lord of the Rings, and Scooby Doo. I'll start with my least favorite and move forward. The Scooby Doo trailer was really funny, although I'm totally sure that the movie itself will blow big chunks. The Majestic looked like a movie I might like....if it didn't have Jim Carey in it. I may be the only person in the world that doesn't like his acting--or non-acting, whatever. The real reason the movie caught my attention was because they used the Little Women soundtrack music; which is some of the most moving music one will ever be so lucky to listen to. Lastly, there was The Lord of the Rings. I could have easily peed my pants when I saw this preview. I can't wait to see it! But, I'm gonna have to get cracking on the book, since it was one of those books I put off reading. I'm planning on picking up a copy tomorrow. The only thing I can't figure out is why Elijah Wood? I mean I think Ian McKellen is the best choice for Gandalf the Grey , but Elijah Wood? This kid hasn't been a good movie since Radio Flyer, and he was like 5 when he made that--ok he was really 11, but you know what I mean. I also can't see why Liv Tyler is in the movie either...
Harry Potter was great! As with most movies, that are made into films, there were parts that had been just skimmed over (Hagrid's dragon). But it didn't take too much away from the story itself. But at the end of 2 hours and 32 minutes, I was glad to be able to stand up. If you do see the moive, just remember that the kid who plays Neville Longbottom got jipped throughout the total movie. I hope that they do him justice in the upcoming films. Go see this movie! Wait. Read the books and then go see this movie! I think you'll like the movie a lot better if you've read the books.
I was watching the news yesterday and saw a story about this crazy group of women who are circulating a video tape they put together about how that all things Harry Potter encourage kids to dabble in "the dark arts". They even went on to say: "It encourages our children to take take part in ritual human sacrifices". Now, it could just be that I'm a college educated catholic girl, but does this sound really insane to anyone else reading this? I've read all 4 books that have come out and if anything, these books show children how treat others better. They show that friendship is born out of loyalty, and that people that are sometimes supposed to be authority figures can be both guides and enemies. Most of the books characters can be seen as sterotypical; but when you're trying to reach the age group the stories are intended for, that's the easiest way to to show slices of human nature. The good guys are good, the bad guys are bad; and what the story itself hints at is that there are those that have the appearance of being goodbut deep down they are evil.
When I saw the news story, I wrote the station a ugly letter and demanded th adress of that parents group. Who are they to hope to make other people feel bad because their wish was to spark the interest of a child? Admit it, children don't read today; parents don't read today. We are all so consumed with the instant gratification society that we forget some of the best ideas were born from reading. I've read tons of stuff on Harry Potter, both good and bad. I came across this book called What's a Christian to Do with Harry Potter? I've only read the excerpts so far, but it seems to be something that I should send to the that crazy parents group. You know what makes me urrrrggggghhh about the whole thing? Is that there are still people who think kids don't have minds. If my parents never gave me the opportunity to learn about things on my own, I probably would have ended up like this girl I went to church with in high school who was convinced that you could get pregnant by kissing. I think adults are petrified that they may realize that they don't have as much control over their kids as they thought. I don't know...I feel bad for the kids of thats group.
Hmmmm...Do you think that I should read the LOR books before I see the movie? I've also updated all of my pages. I'm going to try to make them a little less confusing. This weekend, I'm gonna try to figure out how to use some other not-so-simple web dev. tools.
I watched The Mummy Returns last night. I love John Hannah. He's gonna be on the next 2 episodes of Alias. Oded Fehr isn't bad to look at either.
Said Swirly at 9:16 p.m. C.S.T. November 16, 2001
swirly said what she needed to say 11:40 PM
Jobless, but still entertained
Sorry about the lack of updates here. I've been reading--tons!! My mom got me those Harry Potter books and I'm just now finishing up the 4th book. It's kinda a downer though, because she gave me all the books last Tuesday and I have a feeling that I'll be done with the 4th book later on today. But I already have a couple more lined up to read after that. I have to pick up and read all the books that I had on last weeks What I'm Reading List on my ME page.
I was looking at my stats for this page and saw that someone from NORWAY visited! Gosh, whomever they were must have been really bored to look at this stuff here. They must not have liked it though since they didn't sign the guestbook. That's cool.
Some friends and I were watching TV last night while eating dinner. We caught this news story about how easy it is to break into planes. Ok, it could just be me but does anyone else find it disturbing that the media is whipping everyone into a frenzy all the while they're giving less than honest people a how-to on committing crimes? I'm serious when I say that I never went into TV Journalism because I think there is something about being around all that heavy equipment that makes you stupid.
I need to find a job! I'm bored when I'm not reading, and you can only read so much in a day without going batty.
Said Swirly at 3:04 p.m. C.S.T. November 6, 2001
swirly said what she needed to say 11:38 PM
The Belief-O-Matic and movie allegory
I went to the Belief-O-Matic that James talked about on his website. I scored a 100% Jewish...Well, not so much "scored" as all of my answers pointed toward the Jewish faith.
I was looking through the tv guide and saw the My Best Friend's Wedding was supposed to be on tonight. I loved that movie! Well, not the whole movie, just this one part. It's where Julia Robert's char. is on the boat tour with the lead-male-char. And they're both talking about things that they feel only the other would know. Well, while all of this is going on the boat heads underneath a bridge, blocking out the sunlight. Just watch their faces as they come out of the darkenss into the sunlight. It looks like whatever they were sharing is totally sterlized by the sun. I guess you're gonna have to look at the scene to understand what I'm talking about.
It's ok if you don't get it...not many people get it when I tell them that The Matrix could be seen as an allegory for the story of Christ.
Said Swirly at 1:18 a.m. C.S.T. October 28, 2001
Friends with sad news
I met up with some friends last night. It was kinda fun. But then Laura told me that one of our sorority sisters lost her baby. She was due in five weeks. I think that is possibly the worst thing that could ever happen to someone.
In other not-so-bad-news: My car battery is dead. Just what I need right now. With not having a job and all. But everyone will be glad to know that I found several jobs online today that I will be applying for.
Phil's been incommunicado for the past few days.
I need to update my ME page. I've watched a movie or two that I need to put on the list, and I finished the Common Themes book. That book was pretty cool. It kinda makes me want to rush right out and write a paper on religious themes.
Said Swirly at 6:59 p.m. C.S.T. October 25, 2001
swirly said what she needed to say 11:38 PM
Boyfriend complaint Phil makes me mad. He called me on Sunday and told me about is grandma, who is really ill. It's terrible. I asked if there was anything I could do, but he said no. Then he asked me about my weekend. My mainly consisted of me leaving Ft. Worth on Saturday morning and driving to Corsicana with some friends. We all stayed at this B&B that was fun! The family was really nice and there was plenty of stuff for us to do. But I felt bad spending too much time telling him about it, so I just hit on the main points and then I turned the conversation back over to him. He still sounded really worried about his grandma. Then I told him that this whole week we've been having problems with my great-grandma's sister and her nursing home. I started trying to tell him about how that was stressful, that's when he told me that he didn't feel up to listening about my problems. You know, bad stuff happens in my life too.
In other news....Jimmy Eat World is coming to town in November! Tuesday after Thanksgiving. I am so there. Maybe I'll finally be able to see why Chirstina thinks they are cooler than sliced bread.
I hate daytime T.V.
Said Swirly at 1:08 p.m. C.S.T. October 23, 2001
swirly said what she needed to say 11:37 PM
You've got a friend in me
You what's cool? Just when I think things are really crappy and no one gives a damn, I get a pretty cool e-mail from someone I haven't heard from in awhile. That totally happened yesterday. Christina wrote me an e-mail that just made me laugh! And there was this part where she said, "I'm not gonna be their bitch!"-- it was totally unexpected, but it made me laugh. It's so easy to talk to her! She didn't even make fun of me when I told her about Phil's visit.
Phil's visit was everything and nothing like I expected it was gonna be. We drove down to Waco and visited a domino factory, where they refused to give us a tour. What jerks. I like it when Phil's around for a couple of reasons. I have someone to play Scrabble, Guillotine, Settlers of Catan Card Game. Another cool game I learned to play this time was something called Girl Genius: The Works. The other reason I like it when he comes to town is that I can act as geeky as I want and I know that he'll act like a bigger geek. It's kinda comforting. One of my friends asked me how Phil and I can be around each other when we have "so much history". It's because we have that history, it's easy for us to fall into old habits.
You always seem to fall into old habits with those who know you best. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times its bad. That could explain why I've cut myself off from so many people I went to college with. Old habits can be VERY bad. When I was in college, I had too good of a time. I actually got a rep for that. But wasn't who I was, and it's not really what i want to be remembered for either. I've seen a few people that knew me during my freshman and soph. years and all they seem to remember is what I did at few parties. I usually cringe when I hear any story that starts out: "One time, during our freshman year..."
Ok, so I haven't had a job in 17 days (which feel much longer to me). I'm terribly bored. You can only do so much laundry and then there isn't anymore to do. I've read just about every book I own at least twice. And there are a few books that i want, but it's the fact that i don't want to spend my money on anything right now. I have to confess, my wish lists at Amazon and at Half.com are so big! I'm also tired of people asking, "So, have you found a job yet?". Excuse me, if I had a job, don't you think I would have told you before you had to ask?
I watched "The Big Chill" yesterday (just got the dvd). The deleted scenes crack me up. Speaking on dvd's, I emailed James when I read a post on his site about Legos. I asked him if he'd seen the Holy Grail movie at the Legos website. He actually said that he's never even seen the actual Holy Grail movie!! How can that be?? I mean, he's in college! I thought that was a pre-req to get into college! With everything in the world these days, this is one movie that I think everyone should watch just to have a great laugh. Ya'll should visit James' site though; he has this link that I'm pretty sure is the entire script to "Rushmore"--which it pretty sweet.
It's 6:00 in the morning and I've been up since 1:00 A.M, I only slept for 2 hours prior to that. I think I'm gonna go try to sleep. I'll be glad when I have a job again.
Said Swirly at 6:05 a.m. C.S.T. October 17, 2001
I just realized that I needed to finish my story about Phil (my ex). Like I said last time, I invited him to come down here to "regroup". I'm pretty sure that this was a mistake. Quick rundown on reasons we broke up:
1. He's Lutheran, I'm Catholic. He refused to convert. My Father is the last male in our family with the last name Lopez, I want something of my background to be passed down as well. 2. He wanted to "spawn" a whole crap load of kids. I didn't want any, at least not with him. 3. He wanted me to move to Michigan--hello, I'm from Texas. Aside from the HUGE weather change, I was expected to give up the closeness I share with my family so we could be around his. No offense, but his family did not share the same closeness with one another as I was used to in my own. 4. He was a jerk sometimes.
With all the said, let me also say that we seem to make much better friends. We share the closeness of the couple that we once were, but without all the couple crap that goes along with it. It's been almost a year since we broke up, and we were together for--a very long time. I think that Phil made the "6 month call" and I fell for it.
The "6 month call" is a theory that my friend Melinda and I have. Usually after 6 months, one person in the said couple will getting all swoony about their past relationship. What seems to happen is that they forget all the bad stuff and starts to think: "we parted as friends, and friends call each other right?". And that's when they make the S.M.C. Usually what happens as some point during the S.M.C. is that the person who called, will remember exactly why you broke up in the first place. Only thing is, in this case I don't think I realized what was happening even though it was him who called me! He said that he would think about it, but he pretty much told me that he'll be here at the end of this month. All I can say is that he's sleeping on the couch. If he thinks he'll be anywhere else, he is so wrong.
I'm kinda bumbed a bit too. I haven't heared from any of my friends. I also haven't heard about a job I interviewed for in Naperville, IL. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Chicago land area?? My friends at work were making fun of me today because they think I chose to move to Chicago because of the public transportation system. In part, it is true. I haven't been able to find a city that has a better public transit system! It only took me a couple of days and some really nice individuals for me to navigate around the city on my own. That's an empowering feeling.
Said Swirly at 1:28 a.m. C.S.T. Sept. 7, 2001
Man, today sucked. It could be because I haven't gone to be before 4:30 all friggin' week... Ok, I was watching ITN again and the Catholic grade school story was up again. Yesterday, these GIRLS (it's a girls school) had to walk to school with a bunch of people screaming and shouting at them, and then-- a bomb! I'm sorry, but since when are children supposed to be targets of hate? I mean, they're kids are they that big of a threat to adults?! And I'd like someone to point out in anyone's religious upbringing, Catholic or not, where you think the bible condoned acts of sheer idioticness (not a word, I know)!!
It just makes me so sad. I can't imagine walking to school as a child and being afraid of shouting people and protestors. Shoot, I didn't even know I was poor when I was a kid! And the only thing I can think about this whole situation is "didn't the whole world see what happened in America during the civil rights movement?". Nothing comes from discrimination, except people acting like complete and total gits on television.
Said Swirly at 12:51 a.m. C.S.T Sept. 7, 2001
swirly said what she needed to say 11:37 PM