1. ...sent a handwritten letter? I've sent about a million postcards and letters in the past week. Ok, it was more like 40 postcards and 10 letters.
2. ...baked something from scratch or made something by hand? Yesterday. I made a batch of the famous Lopez salsa--secret ingridents included.
3. ...camped in a tent? I'm totally embarrassed to say that I've never camped in a tent.
4. ...volunteered your time to church, school, or community? It's been awhile since I've volunteered. I'm more of the donating money type of girl.
5. ...helped a stranger? 6 days ago at the Animal clinic my mom works for. There was a lady struggling to get in the door with about a 100 cans of cat food (her cat had just been put to sleep).
swirly said what she needed to say 11:09 AM
my fucking email isn't working.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:58 AM
Thursday, June 27, 2002
I had a few people that were too lazy to look back and see the photo that I was talking about a couple of days ago. So here it is:
I need to write my paper for class. Have I even attempted to start it? No. And it's due tomorrow.
Well, the update on the dance card gang: I've received 4 postcards and I love them all.
Brian just called. Gonna make a coffee run.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:26 AM
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
I sure do miss Christina's blog. I hope she's reading mine. If she is... HI!
swirly said what she needed to say 12:20 AM
I've been in Minneapolis since Thursday morning; returned on Sunday night. Too bad I didn't study for the quiz I had in class today. I bought 20 postcards to send to people in the dance card gang. I sent them one when I got back from San Antonio, TX at the 1st of the month.
But I do have some really cool news! After sifting through the lovely mound of bills and other assorted junk, I found a letter with a familar picture attatched. It was a picture that I had submitted to an International Open Amateur Photography Contest. Apparently, the photo I submitted has advacned to the semi-finals. It's actually a photo that ya'll have seen on my blog before (go to my 4/5/2002 11:30:15 AM post). The best part of this news? My picture is gonna be published in a "coffee-table style book". KICK ASS!
I signed up for photography in the fall. Maybe I've finally found my true calling. Or maybe it was just a fluke. My money's on the latter.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:16 AM
Monday, June 17, 2002
The forgotten Friday Five from June 14th
1. How often do you do laundry? It depends. Lately, laundry has been pretty slow. I'd say once or twice a week, unless there is something that I just must have washed.
2. What's in a typical wash load? I have a system: whites only (this can include t-shirts and underwear. But not socks.), then towels, jeans, and then any linens that needs to be washed. And that's typical.
3. Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent? Top. Right now I'm using the 10 gallon bucket of cheer that i bought at Sam's for, like, 15 bucks.
4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle? Yes in all wash load except jeans.
5. Dryer or clothesline? When I was little, we used a clothesline. I'm proud to announce that I have since upgraded to a dryer.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:19 PM
Hey, what's the sign for _____________?
I've been trying to think about what I want to say these days. Truth is, I don't really have too much going on in my life right now. Just school, and no one wants to hear about that.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:27 PM
The impossible dream
Quiz/Test grades so far for ASL I:
102 (i got 2 bonus points for noting the difference between a wh-question or a yes/no)
90 ( really supposed to be an 80, but he gave me 10 points back when I explained that we had never learned the sign for "yesterday" the way he gave it.)
100 ( I really would have scored a 91, but the prof didn't bother to count the 2nd page of the exam for anyone--we must have all done bad.)
That 4.0 is still within my reach.
swirly said what she needed to say 3:21 PM
Play MASH online You will live in Mansion. You will drive a Purple BMW. You will marry Manny and have 1 kids. You will be a Writer in NV.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:17 PM
I am LOPEZ, hear me not speak Spanish
I got back from my trip to San Antonio last Sunday. And it was the first time I ever felt like I belonged to my own family. I had to endure 4 hours of listening to Britney Spears, Spongebob Square Pants, N'Sync, and Jimmy Neutron; thanks to my 4 year old cousin's music taste. Other than that, the trip was fun. We went to D'Hanis, which is the town right after Hondo, TX.
While I was there, I met so many of my dad's family...my family. It was weird. They were all so nice I couldn't believe how welcoming they were. Almost as if I had never been a stranger. I talked with the matriarch of the family, "Aunt Mary", who's 86 years old and the best cook I've ever met! And they came tons and tons of cousins I didn't even know I had. But they all remembered my father. I laughed when they todl me stories about my dad, and his dad, and his dad before him. Some of the stories were sad too. Like the one about my dad being left to live with his grandmother, when his father was shipped to Alaska as part of an Air Force training mission. But then Aunt Mary and the others would tell me about times that my dad would stand in line while his uncle made homemade snowcones. It wasn't like anything I had ever been a part of. Maybe it doesn't make sense to anyone else, for the first time I felt like all the puzzle pieces fit the way they should. My mom and dad will be heading out to D'Hanis the week of July 4th. I'm excited and jealous. Excited because it will be the first time in almost 40 years since my father has been back to his childhood home, jealous because I won't be able to go with them.
This week has also been super busy with classes. I made a 102 on the first quiz we had been given. I made 97 on the second quiz we were given on Thursday. But that is still being disputed because I say that we never learned the sign for yesterday the way he signed it. My first major test is on Monday. The other downer is that I've got to read 12 chapters left in a book called Deaf Like Me. I'm determined to make an A in ASL I...I'm determined to have a 4.0 this time around.
Plans for this week? Not sure right now. I've def. got to study, but other than that...
swirly said what she needed to say 3:31 PM
Friday, June 07, 2002
Big big plans
This weekend I'm heading out to San Antonio. I'm actually excited by this! I haven't been to San Antonio since I graduated from college. This time will be much better because I'm going to see family. No, seriously. We're also going to be heading out to D'Hanis (DEE-HEN-EZ). I've never been there so I'm not really sure what to expect.
The first week of ASL class is over. My tutor is awesome. We've both decided that we look familar to one another, but we don't know from where. In class we got a list of deaf programs around the city. I'm planning on calling on Monday to find out how I can get a mentor. I really need one. Today in our group tutoring session, it was kinda annoying when everyone kept spelling the letters out loud. I really think that it's going to be better for all of us to not to talk during signing.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:32 AM
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
Weird. I got an email from Ben today. It's kinda nice to get an email from an old flame.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:18 PM
Monday, June 03, 2002
i totally forgot to mention my freak out session before I even got to campus! I woke up at 7:25, even though my alarm had been going off since 6:45. I went to the car to leave but it wouldn't start. I then called Dee and asked repeatedly if this was an omen that I was making a huge mistake wanting to be an interpreter. "Nah, it's just a Monday" She told me. How'd she get so smart?
swirly said what she needed to say 10:30 PM
Today is almost over and I cannot be more glad about it. I got through my first day of class, and it wasn't too bad. Except when some rent-a-cop yelled at me for parking the wrong way. Or when the prof, who was not speaking but signing the 1st half of the lesson, kicked me out because I didn't have my book. And I didn't run away screaming in fear when I was the 1st one asked to interpret what another student was signing. But it wasn't all bad. I did score a point for our team when when played deaf pictionary (the answer was Leonardo DiCaprio); the credit really goes to a girl named Kelly who inacted the most famous, and stupid, scene in the movie.
I was telling Dee yesterday that I was nervous about going back to school. I start my certification program on Monday. No matter how old I am, I think that I'll suffer from pre-school jitters. So Sunday night I'll probably be up until 8 the next morning, and about that time I'll figure I'm tired. Only then I'll have to get out of bed and get ready to go to class. Dee said I have much more composure than I was currently exhibiting. I think Dee is freaked because this is the first time when I don't look like I've got it all pulled together. Probably because I never really shared my life with her the way I do now.
I laughed so hard, I peed my pants. This is def. going in my daily reads.
That Really Chaps My Ass This Might Feel a Little Cold My wife has a box of disposable rubber gloves for scooping the cat poop out of the litter box. Me? I don't use the gloves, but I do wash afterward.
Anyway, last night I put on the gloves and informed her that I was going to become a freelance gynecologist. I wanted to know if she's be my first patient. She said no. (It seems I'm not "board certified.")
She got tired of my crap and pulled the gloves off. Darned if my hands didn't smell like the dentist's office as I was falling asleep.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:59 AM
So what did I did I do with my day after noon, when the big yellow school bus took me home? Far too much television, for one thing. There was Speed Racer, the Japanimation cartoon about a guy who drives a car. And Bozo the clown.
After those were over, I'd round up two friends from across the street, and we'd dress up like superheroes and ride our bigwheels. Dressing like a superhero involves wearing colored jockey shorts OVER your pants and clipping a towel around your neck. If you wanted to be Spiderman, you also put the colored jockey shorts over your head and peeped through the leg holes. The crotch was right over your nose.
The older kids in the kids in the neighborhood harrassed us about this, which we didn't quite understand. If you were wearing the right clothes, you WERE a superhero, right?
swirly said what she needed to say 1:46 AM