Maybe this is too much of a generalization, but I have found the past two college professors I have dated have had this daddy/daughter fetish thing going on. If it's your bag, no offense.
I just got back home and I have to leave again! I'm still debating with myself if I like being social.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:50 PM
Friday, August 30, 2002
something I miss about having a proper boyfriend
Someone to wash my back in shower.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:01 PM
Something to do on Sunday
This Sunday I'll be heading to someplace called Potter's House. From what I've heard, it is the African American church in Dallas. Anyone who's anyone attends. I'm headed out there because they have a huge Deaf group at the church and are sponoring a Deaf Awareness Night. If you live in North Texas, you should go. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but it should be quite fun I hope.
swirly said what she needed to say 11:07 AM
Fridays are a good thing, right?
I think it is so great to have Fridays off. But my day kinda looks like this:
1. Laundry (almost completed) 2. Dishes (just need to load the dishwasher now) 3. Cat Litter (ugggghhhhh) 4. Homework for Deaf Culture (3 articles and 1 website synopsis) 5. Homework for Fingerspelling ( practice) 6. Homework for Intermediate ASL (vocab review) 7. Cook Dinner (honey teriyaki beef, but I need some brocolli)
And did I mention I have plans tonight? Oh well!
swirly said what she needed to say 10:58 AM
That new Dr. Pepper Red Fusion drink tastes gross.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:41 AM
Good Sex v. Ok Sex
Have you ever noticed that really good sex totally exhausts you, but just-ok sex just makes you wired? you be the judge.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:38 AM
1. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own? I actually have the shirt I wore when I lost my virginity in the back of my closet. Weird huh?
2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire? Leather pants
3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why? See #1.
4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in? Any shirt with a V-neck
5. What has been your biggest fashion accident? Anytime I wear anything white.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:31 AM
Last night I was watching BBC news and heard about 2 stories that I was kinda interested in.
The first on was about a political party in Spain that is supposedly funding terrorists. If anyone knows the specs please email me. The other story that I heard was the Las Vegas, NV mayor wants to legalize the sale of pot "in small amounts" (and charge a lux tax) to fund among other things: libraries and schools. Does anyone else think that this is funny? I don't know about anyone else, but I know when I was smoking on a regular basis the last thing I wanted to do was read or be stimulated educationally.
When I got to Deaf Culture class today we were talking about TTY and relay stations. For those of you who don't know what TTY or a relay station is... TTY is a phone device that Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals use to call one another. A relay station is mainly used by Hearing people to contact Deaf people or vice versa.
There was a girl in there that just said off-handedly: "Don't talk about anything illegal, the relay operator can report you to the cops." To which my prof replied, "No, they can't. The only exception is child abuse. So, if you two are making a drug deal using the relay station...well, I guess you're safe." I thought that this was pretty funny. I don't know why I never thought there weren't Deaf drug users.
swirly said what she needed to say 5:42 PM
Phone calls Phone calls always make me nervous. There is no telling what kind of mood the other person on the other line is in. The last 2 times I've talked to Dee on the phone, I've felt that way. I tried to call her today to tell her that I got 3 school mascot charms in the mail today. I'm also worried because I was all weepy the last time I spoke with her. Not about anything that was going on with us, she just got to hear it.
There's this really cute guy in my ASL intermediate class--ok, so he also happens to be the only guy in the class. Maybe he's not really as cute as I think. Could be that I just have a lack of options.
In other news... I got my papers and final exam back from my summer class. I made a 96.7 on the final. But it was the paper that was really cool. I made a 100! He also wrote, "This is one of the BEST papers I have seen on the subject of the Deaf Peddler..." Look out academic world, I'm comin' to get ya!
p.s. I totally rock.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:29 PM
1. What is your current occupation? Is this what you chose to be doing at this point in your life? Why or why not? I guess my current occupation would be that of poor student. And yes, I really think that this is what I should be doing with my life right now. Because I want to be an interpreter.
2. If time/talent/money were no object, what would your dream occupation be? Blues singer...or a sheep rancher in New Zealand.
3. What did/do your parents do for a living? Has this had any influence on your career choices? I can safely say that the only influence that my parent's professions have had on me was that it made me not want to do anything related to what they do. My mom was a stay-at-home-mom until I was about 16 and my dad has always worked in cleaning up after morons who can't operate their computers.
4. Have you ever had to choose between having a career and having a family? Yeah. When I started wokring in publising, I realized that I would have to choose career over family. And when I told my ex that a decision would have to be made, he told me to quit immediately. Out of spite, I chose to remain with the company and later got laid off.
5. In your opinion, what is the easiest job in the world? What is the hardest? Why? I don't think that any job is easy. I think that it just depends on the talent, or lack there of , that one posesses. Every job has it's drawbacks too. But I guess if I had to say anything, I would say being a fraud psychic, like Miss Cleo....yeah, look at what happened to her.
swirly said what she needed to say 7:43 PM
Monday, August 26, 2002
Frustration, part Deux
Man, I've been looking all over for this stupid soundtrack for a movie that only has 71 votes on IMDB. I even rented the DVD again to see who released the soundtrack only to find out that it's some obscure label that doesn't even have a website. This totally sucks. All the music in the entire movie is that type of music you turn up really loud and you're happy by the end.
swirly said what she needed to say 8:09 PM
"We are all students, we are all teachers"...
at least that is what my Deaf Culture prof said before she negated the statement by saying, "I know some of you got spoiled this Summer by calling your instructors by their first names. You may call me MS. Randolph".
Oh yeah? Well, you can call me MS. Lopez!
It seems like total crap to encourage us to think as equals then to give oneself a title. And in this field, you don't need a title-wedge. There is already nervousness, self-doubt, and all the other stuff going around for you to add in a separation. Dee says that it's no different than me telling people, "Hey, don't call me Nat. My name is Natalie". I just don't see it that way.
Something has got me totally down. But what? I have no idea. I've been acting really odd. I can't stay focused on anything! I can't even remember simple appointments and dates. Can you believe it?
There are just some people who should never should walk around barefoot or even wear sandals.
If your toes and feet look like they haven't been washed in a year and the nails are yellow, you'd definately be one of those said people.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:45 PM
When it came to acting like an adult, I just barely passed. And that made all the difference today.
I realize it's only Wednesday, but I've talked to more old friends in the past 3 days! It's weird how everyone seems to know when I'm having an emotional internal struggle. So, thanks to Dee, Claire, Paul, Brian, and Michelle for talking to me about "the ex-boyfriend situation". I'm really glad that all of you let me handle this like an adult. I needed that. After speaking to some of friends these past three days, I've actaully started to wonder: When did we stop being the young idealists we once were? Even me, I'm so much more...jaded. It's kind of a downer-- but not too much, because...
Well, the grades and in and I'm going into the Fall semester with a 4.0! I am so proud. It feels so great to have stopped settling for mediocre things in my life.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:47 PM
Monday, August 19, 2002
Hadn't really thought of it--'till now
Did you ever realize that weekend conversations with friends are different than weekday conversations? They're a little more light-hearted. In my case it always seems that they are future oriented. You know like, "Someday I want to _______". Conversations like this are always good. They are even better when you have them with the type of friends that remind you that you are not a loser or a big dork; and that is of course not the reason that you are currently not in the dating game.
And then you always have that one "friend", to which this term applies loosely. This is mainly because they usually aren't your friend at all but they've hung around so long that they've become a permanent fixture in your friend rotation. Anyway, this friend always seems to be able to hone in on your biggest fear and want to discuss it with you at length. Of course this is happening just as you meet a cute guy and are trying to strike up the usual first-meeting conversation. This leads to utter humiliation and said cute guy going home with said "friend"...go fig.
Ok, today I got the feeling back! It's the excited-that-Fall-will-soon-be-here,-school's-going-to-be-starting,-and-I'm-going-to-be-doing-something-purposeful-with-my-life-feeling. I LOVE this feeling. It usually lasts until October 4, which is my birthday. Then all that happens from there is a feel kinda melancholy 'till the holidays are over. As soon as the weather gets cooler, I pull out Better Than Ezra'sDeluxe, because I HAVE to listen to #12.
Ok, I'm sleepy and I still need to read.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:33 AM
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
In Retrospect...
Recently, I've been dreaming/daydreaming a lot about my ex. Which is both disturbing and comforting. A few weeks ago I told both Michelle and Dee that I was actually considering packing up all of my things into my little crappy Honda and driving up there.
(This is where I have a reality check). Then I start acting normal and realize that would just turn me into some weirdo stalker, and I truly don't feel like I should be categorized as a stalker either. I don't have creepy shrine to him. And even with the advent of caller id, I don't feel like I would be one of those girls that would call and hang up on him. I also know for a fact that I would never frequent any of his old haunts in a hope of some chance encounter. I just miss him. Like today I was reading something on physics, which I'm really weak in but he's brilliant at, I actually started to dial his number without even thinking.
I haven't been able to have that connection with anyone else in my life. And I think because I've had some time away from the whole breakup situation I realize that I broke up with him for all the wrong reasons. Talking with Allie made me realize that, because the urge to see him has been stronger since Friday. I think it's me being lonely.
Her: "What is it with guys and the '2 women' sex fantasy?" Me: "Well, my ex enjoyed the 'idea' of it." Her: "Huh?" Me: "Well, he liked the idea of it until he was propositioned. Then he came in his pants and we all had a good laugh." Her: (laughs)
swirly said what she needed to say 1:04 PM
I've been dreaming in ASL. I wonder if that's normal.
Like last night, I had this great dream. I dreamt that they turned my old elementary school into an apartment building. But I couldn't speak, and everyone around me used sign language. It was cool.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:59 PM
Thursday, August 08, 2002
Well, classes are over for now. So, I'm actually looking forward to updating this thing over the next few days. I've had a load of weird dreams I feel should be up for speculation later on this weekend. Other things to look forward to:
My reasons why that I think that no social or ethnic group should be given "special programs" based on their poor life choices
Me telling all you readers (yes, that's right--all 4 of you) one of Allie's funny story.
Seriously, I miss not being able to watch Conan and then saying something funny about it. I miss being able to what I want when I want to. Most of all I miss talking with my friends. Yeah, like I need to explain any of that to all 4 of you.