Christina wrote a post about how she's a modern day hippie. I realized that I remember hearing from my Sociology prof years ago, that you will be at your most liberal during your junior year of college. I know it was true for me. I'l have to litmus test Christina's views a few years from now to see if it's true for her as well.
swirly said what she needed to say 10:13 AM
Monday, January 27, 2003
A word to Japan: Look out! I'm coming over!
I talked to Phil this weekend. He announced to me that he wants to study in Japan for a year. Then he told me that he had dismissed the idea because he didn't want to be away from me any longer, and the only way he would go is if I went with him. So...looks like I'll be headed to Japan after I've completed my Interpreting program. And before everyone's all: "why would you do something like that? Don't you have to be in the U.S. to be an interpreter of AMERICAN sign language?" Calm down. I'll do anything to support Phil's dream.
He hasn't had many of those over the years.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:51 PM
People are weird
This was kinda cool. But it totally shows how people just want someone to listen to them.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:08 PM
Things I don't give a damn about:
American Idol
Football (and yesterday's Superbowl's winners and losers)
Any other "reality" television
My sister's vegetarian militantism and trying to force it on me.
My boyfriends "weird" and "endearing" behavior when it comes to housekeeping
Things I care very much about:
Doing well in my interpreting classes
Furthering my education
Getting enough sleep (I'm currently only working on about 4-5 hours a night. I think it's catching up with me)
Spending more time with my friends and family...even the ones that I don't like so much.
I have 7 decks of playing cards. I'm not sure why though. I probably bought the majority of them while I was drunk.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:12 AM
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Ok, so recently I've noticed that I'm guilty of "accent prejudice". If you don't know what that is...well, I'm not gonna explain to you; mainly because this is where I come to dump all this crap out--my head's too full. Anyway it just bothered me when I noticed this morning.
I was watching Good Morning America, as I got ready to come to school this morning. There was a story about a Southern family who had their family pet (boxer/terrier mix) shot by a police officer. The reason being that "the dog trained on [him]". But from the video that was shown, the dog was wagging his tail and chasing the flashlight the officer was holding (it was dark). So this dog gets shot all because he thinks that the stupid cop is playing with him! And now the cop can't understand why he's been getting death threats and people are mad at him. Um, hi, you shot a dog!
But as the story continued to run, and interviews were held with the officer and with the family of the dead dog I noticed that they all sounded...under-educated. I'll even go as far as to say that when questions were posed to the son, his responses sounded vaguely like responses you would have heard from Forrest Gump.
After thinking all of this, I was mad at myself. I know first hand from working and studying in the interpreting field that strength in language does is not always indicative of intelligence. And it is this "accent prejudice" that makes me question my place in the world of interpreting.
But it also proves something else to me...everyone has a story behind their lives; and not always the one that you have assigned to them. I noticed that I had already pre-decided on several other students (but not the alien abduction girl, I still think that she's weird.) in my interpreting classes last semester. Only to find out this semester that there is a reason for the way they are. But I can't be such a bad person, because I've now recognized that I do this, right?
But I'm sorry; I still have no understanding for the guy who comes to my blog looking for pictures of his sister in the shower. This guy, I feel, needs to find a girlfriend and engage in some HEALTHY role-playing with her.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:38 AM
Friday, January 17, 2003
Holy crap Batman
Did anyone see Thursday night's episode of Conan? This lady, Sue Johansan (sp?), was on. She brought with her sex toys that made Conan blush. A fun time was had by all.
First of all, I want an "accomodater". Second, Conan referred to ol' Sue as a "perverted Macgyver". It was funny.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:34 AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2003
School's begun
Monday was the first day of the new semester. I have to be truthful and say that I really wanted to come back as soon as the New Year's was over. Yeah, I missed school that much. Weird.
I've been trying to think about what to post up here, since I've been doing such a horrible job of it the last couple of weeks. But I don't have anything to talk about. And my life has been relatively boring. So, I was planning on making the post really about some loose ends.
Christina, I got your postcard. Thanks.
Paul, I haven't heard from you since before Christmas. Where the hell are you?
Dee, did you see that I-hop is running an all you can on pancakes? I might be in need of that intervention sooner than you thought.
Kelly, dude lay off the pot and she'll talk to you again. It's the pot.
And Mike, I don't really have any loose ends with you. I just wanted to say hi. So....hi!
2. What time is it? 1:23 a.m. (at least that's what my cell phone clock says)
3. What are you wearing? What I sleep in.
4. Any people or animals around you? Describe them. No people. 2 cats are lurking about...I think they're hungry. One cat is white, with an orange looking booger on his nose. He weighs about 25 pounds; he also has the kitty form of leporsy. The other one in a grey tabby. She weighs...a whole lot less. And there is actually a 3rd cat that I can see from where I am that is sitting in front of the telly watching Dr. Who. Smart cat.
5. What are your plans for the weekend? Going to a party, going to Dallas, some unmentionable stuff.
swirly said what she needed to say 1:26 AM
Friday, January 10, 2003
This week has been
A total load of crap. I got $90 worth of Borders gift cards. Which is great because I needed to buy some textbooks, totaling a litte over $120. I've been trying since Monday to buy these stupid books only to find that Amazon (who Borders has paired up with) won't allow me to use all three cards at the same time. So I'll be headed to school on Monday with no textbooks. One of the books I needed, like, 2 weeks ago! Freakin' bastards.
I also got my cell phone fixed...which in plain english means that I had to buy a new one because mine was "too old". It's not even 2 years old! I hate technology.
Yeah, I may not have textbooks come Monday but I can call anyone in the free world. eesh.
swirly said what she needed to say 2:12 PM
Monday, January 06, 2003
Should I or Shouldn't I?
Maybe I should get this for Christina as a birthday gift.
So I called Phil and told him that I need to set up a savings account up there so that I/We'd have money up there waiting for me/us to use to pay deposits and whatnot not when I moved there. I also thought this was a good way to make sure he knew just how serious I was about all of this being together nonsense. My cousin Judy thinks this is a terrible idea.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:46 AM
Um, ok
I was in the middle of using some Nair on my legs, when I started reading the indications. It actually says, "Do not use this product on breast nipples"...can someone tell me what other nipples one might have??
swirly said what she needed to say 12:29 AM
1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind? Yes. I have 2 charm bracelets (not at the same time) that I wear.
2. How often do you wear it? Since I'm studying to be an interpreter, I can only wear my bracelets when I'm not signing.
3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where? I'm not telling.
4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where? Yip. I have 4. An ankh on my lower right side of my back, a dolphin jumping outta some blue water in the center of my lower back, a celtic cross on the lower left side of my back. I have a orange, yellow, and blue moon on my ankle. I got the 1st three when when I was 18. I got the last when I turned 22.
5. What are your plans for the weekend? A big steamy pile of nothing.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:48 PM
Well, all the holiday craziness is over and I'm no worse for wear. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to school and doing better than last semester. Although most of my friends balk when I say that, especially after I tell them I had a B average at the end of the semester. But hey, it's healthy to overshoot your goals.
The other cool thing that I've done this break is I've read something like 5 books. Nicholas Nickelby, Far From the Madding Crowd, and Persuasion were among the few that I tackled. My friend Dee got me this book called Looking for Mr. Right. I should send it to Christina (I'm glad she's back, by the way).
Kikpik's Back! Ahhh...finally back form Korea. Its nice to finally be home. Korea was great...but its a trip going to another country. Everything is so...different. Obviously. The streets are narrow...everyone lives in high rise apartments...and people cant drive worth crap. Anyways, gotta go to my dad's grave right now...(we go every new years) happy new years to all.
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Hmmm...being supervisor at my work. I was promoted only after a year...and I raised $40,000 for my university. That was really cool.
2. What was your biggest disappointment? Getting a D in philosophy...when I though I was gonna get a B. I was totally bummed...and I felt like an idiot, telling everyone I was doing ok in my class.
3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? first one is losing 10 pounds. My second one is trying to somewhat move on from Pete...and being patient. Life has its turns...but its all for a reason. ^_^
4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else? Well, Im writing this after the countdown. I was at a friends his new years party. It kinda sucked.
5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions? Not one. Actually, during the countdown, me and my roommate Erika were in the bathroom going pee. We kinda forgot it was New Years Eve...we're so stupid. ^_^
kikpik said what she needed to say 1:06 PM