Ever since the start of February, I've been feeling more...creative. But I don't really think that's the right word for what's going on. Lemme work on some stuff and I'll come back to that thought.
swirly said what she needed to say 12:42 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
tattoo me
I just decided that I want a blue dragon some where on my side. Phil's already about to have a heart because I'm thinking about getting stuff pierced. He's such a Capricorn.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:56 PM
All about Kikpik
I feel really bad lately. I've been really self-absorbed. I've gotten a chance to read Christina's blog, only to find out that Pete was acting like a major jerk-o-holic. So I have the following things to say on Christina's behalf:
Pete would be so lucky to find another person like Christina.
Christina is right, she can do better.
Christina should just smile and know that Pete will probably compare every other girl he dates to her.
Christina should become a dating machine now, she deserves it.
If Christina didn't get more out of the breakup other than a good vocal workout from all the fighting, then she's luckier than most.
Seriously though, sorry I've been a bad friend and haven't emailed you about this. My advice to you now: Try to hook up with the guy from your class and wait for the "six month call" .
To the girl in my Monday/Wednesday classes, who sits one person away from me: TAKE A BATH! I can smell you from where I sit.
I feel bad for the other girl who is acting as the buffer and sits between us.
swirly said what she needed to say 4:16 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Tired in a bad way
I've essentially stayed up for the past 4 days and nights, with about 13-15 hours sleep total. I feel like I'm going out of my mind. Shower and then sleep.
swirly said what she needed to say 9:57 PM
Monday, March 03, 2003
Weekend Update
I was actually fairly busy this weekend, which is more of a surprise to me that it probably is to you. But with all the running around and stuff this weekend I managed to get in one very excellent conversation with Phil. I think he's going to try and get a company transfer down to Texas, so that we can spend the last year of my program together. He's also informed me that Japan is not in the picture any longer. The Japan thing kinda makes me sad. Mainly because I was to travel to so many places and Japan was one of them.
I also kinda pushed him on the $75 wedding thing again. This time, he actually told me why it's a no-go for him. He says that I deserve better than a Vegas wedding. That could be true, but I'm not the type to have ice sculptures and open bar either. I'm telling you right now, it's gonna be small wedding--followed up by punch and pie at the reception. No big whoop.
swirly said what she needed to say 8:30 AM